Author Guidelines

The following information is crucial for authors considering submitting their work to the OncoDaily Medical Journal. Please read these guidelines thoroughly before submitting your manuscript.

Submission Process: The corresponding author should send the manuscript details and upload the files.

Cover Letter: While not mandatory, a cover letter provides an opportunity to highlight the significance of your work. Address it to the Editor-in-Chief and include a summary of findings, emphasizing their importance and relevance to the journal. Mention the manuscript title and all authors’ names, as well as the manuscript type (e.g., Research Article, Review, etc.). Confirm the originality of the work and disclose any conflicts of interest. Additionally, suggest three potential reviewers who are experts outside your institution and have no conflicts of interest.

Article Type and Manuscript length: To choose the appropriate article type, please go to the “Submit Article” page and refer to the “Article Types” section.

Title Page: Include a concise title (maximum 75 characters), complete affiliations of all authors, and contact details of the corresponding author(s). Provide the word count for the abstract and main text, along with the total number of tables, figures, and supplementary material. Include 4-8 keywords and an abbreviation table.

Abstract: Make the significance and advancement of the work clear. It should be concise, and structured into Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. For clinical trials, include the trial’s unique identifier and registration site URL.

Formatting: Single-spaced with page and number all section headings and subheadings sequentially.

Figures: Aim for clarity and simplicity. Ensure that figures have high resolution (at least 300 dpi) and are clear. Ideally, each figure should consist of one panel. Use scale bars instead of magnification factors. Lettering in figures should be lowercase with the first letter capitalized. Text should be included in the legend rather than directly on the figure.

Tables: Provide the document in a separate Word/Excel file. Use Arabic numerals for citations in the text. Legends should be in 11-point Times New Roman font and single-spaced.

Acknowledgment: Recognize contributions of individuals who did not meet authorship criteria and any involved writers or corporate employees.

Conflict of Interest: Disclose any potential conflicts of interest.

Data Sharing: Include a data sharing statement or justify if the data is not available.

References: Follow the journal’s style guide; ensure references are in numeric order, with no duplicates, and are correctly formatted. Use Vancouver referencing style, ensuring that references are presented in the order they appear in the text. The reference limit is 10 for Correspondence and Commentaries, and up to 150 for Review Articles. Include all authors’ surnames followed by their initials, listing up to five authors. If there are six or more authors, list the first three followed by ‘et al.’

Supplementary Material: Submit additional content like videos, raw data, and PowerPoint presentations.

By adhering to these guidelines, you help ensure a smooth review process and increase the likelihood of your manuscript being accepted for publication. Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our editorial office.