Submit an Article

To submit new manuscripts, kindly email them to [email protected]. Should your manuscript require revisions, you will receive guidance on making the necessary edits. For any inquiries or assistance, please feel free to reach out to us at the provided email addresses.

Oncodaily Medical Journal welcomes a variety of manuscript types. Below are the article types accepted:

  • Original research: up to 4000 words, up to 300 words abstract, up to 8 tables/figures, and up to 100 references. structured format including sections like introduction, methods, results, discussion, and references.
  • Narrative review / systematic review/meta-analysis: up to 5000 words, up to 300 words abstract, up to 5 tables/figures, up to 120 references. usually commissioned; non-commissioned submissions require prior editor approval. combines comprehensive evaluations of existing research.
  • Editorial: no word limit, abstract not specified, tables/figures not specified, references not specified. typically commissioned. non-commissioned pieces require the editor’s approval.
  • Correspondence: up to 500 words, abstract not required, 1 table/figure, up to 5 references. letters to the editor discussing case studies or responses to published articles. subject to peer review.
  • Short communication: up to 2000 words, up to 200 words abstract, up to 4 tables/figures, up to 20 references. brief reports on original studies or case series, potentially including negative results. concise and focused.
  • Special communication: up to 1500 words, up to 200 words abstract, up to 2 tables/figures, and up to 20 references. evidence-based approaches to significant issues. often by invitation; non-invited submissions need editor approval.
  • Diagnostic test interpretation: up to 1500 words, up to 200 words abstract, up to 2 tables/figures, and up to 20 references. guidance on the application of new diagnostic or prognostic tests. typically commissioned; uncommissioned submissions need prior approval.
  • Clinical evidence to practice: up to 1500 words, up to 150 words abstract, up to 2 tables/figures, and up to 20 references. summarizes recent clinical trials with a focus on their application in practice. usually commissioned.
  • Pro/con debates: up to 1000 words, abstract not specified, tables/figures not specified, up to 50 references. presentation of opposing viewpoints on a significant issue. typically commissioned; requires editor approval if uncommissioned.
  • Case reports/brief reports: up to 1500 words, up to 275 words abstract, up to 3 tables/figures, up to 20 references. reports on unique clinical cases or small series, including significant individual observations.
  • Commentaries: up to 2000 words, abstract not structured, up to 1 table/figure, up to 20 references. perspectives on topical issues in oncology, often highlighting current research or clinical challenges.
  • Oncology grand rounds: up to 2500 words, abstract not specified, up to 1 table/figure, references not specified. case-based presentations detailing patient management, focusing on complex cases.
  • Special articles: up to 4000 words, abstract not structured, up to 6 tables/figures, references not specified. articles including guidelines, consensus meeting summaries, or other significant scholarly communications.
  • Statistics in oncology: up to 4000 words, abstract not specified, up to 6 tables/figures, up to 150 references. articles presenting new methods, controversies, or reviews relevant to biostatistics and oncology research.
  • 60 questions/answers: no word limit, no abstract limit, up to 3 tables/figures, references not specified. a detailed question-and-answer format covering comprehensive topics within the field, aimed at educating readers on complex issues.
  • Hypothesis article: up to 3000 words, up to 250 words abstract, up to 4 tables/figures, up to 50 references. proposes a new hypothesis or theoretical framework. supported by preliminary data, logical reasoning, or literature.
  • News: up to 500 words, abstract not required, 1 table/figure, no references. highlights on news/events, reviews of books, films, plays, and summaries of meetings or conferences.